Blackberry, VoiceVantage™ Concur On Top 10 Countries Most Targeted by Cyberattacks



Boston, Massachusetts. (October 30, 2024) Frances M. Lynch, CEO of THC Technologies Corporation, a private corporation engaged in the global biometrics solutions market, today stated, “A new report by Blackberry with which THC concurs reveals that cyber threat actors target entities in the United States more than any other country in the world. 

The Blackberry  report (link below)  features a “top list” of countries most often on the receiving end of cyberattacks: five countries that receive the most cyber-attacks overall, and five countries most often targeted with unique, never-seen-before malware variants.

The Blackberry report states these cyberattacks focus on targeting government agencies, military organizations, businesses, and financial institutions, frequently adapting their techniques to make their attacks harder to detect and defend against.

One organization historically appears vulnerable to such attacks. Just a few months ago Microsoft confirmed that a cybercriminal gained access to unclassified government Microsoft email accounts as part of a campaign that affected about 25 organizations, including federal agencies. The hackers used Microsoft's Outlook Web Access in Exchange Online and to access the unclassified email accounts.


It is ever more important given the significant increase in attacks and potential network vulnerabilities to secure all internet access.  VoiceVantage™ products provide unmatched security features and benefits, and our extensive product portfolio and specialized consulting expertise support security authorities worldwide. Our voice verification biometrics solutions strengthen identity protection, and our unmatched speed and accuracy accelerate verifications ensuring timely, accurate and secure facilities access as well as protecting all levels and methods of communication security.

VoiceVantage™ VoiceCheck™ Specifications

Phrase Length and Speech Print Size:
1-2 seconds
Verification Data/Time:
1 individual phrase 1.4 milliseconds
1 phrase, 2000+ verifications per second on Intel Core i7-7500U @ 2.70GHz
(based on simultaneous use).

Sample Types:
16-bit signed and unsigned linear
8-bit signed and unsigned linear
8-bit mu-law and a-law
Sample Rate:
8, 11.025 or 16 KHz
Direct C++ API calls (Windows, Linux), .NET (Windows), Java (Windows, Linux, Android), Objective C (iOS, macOS), Swift (iOS, macOS)
Database Access:

VoiceCheck™ ODBC allows storage of all VoiceCheck™ data in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Currently the following RDBMSs are supported:

RDBMS Version WindowsLinuxNotes
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 RunningLinux tested using connection to database instance running on windows
MySQL 8.0.28 Windows tested using connection to database instance running on Linux
Oracle 21c Linux tested using connection to database instance running on Windows
PostgreSQL 12.10 Windows tested using connection to database instance running on Windows

Supported Languages:
C++, C#, Java, Objective C, Swift
Sample Code:
Demo applications in all supported languages are provided as usage examples to streamline integration
Supported Development Environments:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017, GNU G++ 9.3.0 (Linux), Eclipse, Xcode release 12.3, Android SDK version
10.0 (Q) API Level 29 Revision 5, Android Studio release 4.1
Minimum System Requirements:
Windows: Intel i5 or equivalent or higher, 2GB RAM, standard, microphone, and sound card Windows 7 or Higher
Linux: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Android: Lollipop 5.0.2
macOS: OS X Yosemite

For more information contact:

Frances Lynch, CEO
THC Technologies Corporation
855-254-6001 office